Object Browser

The Object Browser is the window into your database. Simply select the desired object type and then select an object. All the details of that object are then available to you for browsing and editing. Object Browser enables you to:

  • Browse objects by object type and schema
  • Create objects using wizards
  • View SQL create syntax
  • View subordinate objects
  • Modify existing objects
  • Report dependencies
  • View data for tables and views

SQL Commands


SQL Commands is used to process any SQL command or execute any block of PL/SQL code. Capabilities include:

  • Running SQL commands or PL/SQL blocks
  • Query results are displayed in a tabular result set
  • Viewing explain plans for queries and DML operations
  • Describing database objects
  • Saving SQL queries for later use
  • Accessing command history

SQL Scripts


Scripts can contains one or more SQL statements. Scripts are run in the background, and you can monitor the progress and view related reports. SQL Script results are archived for reference. Scripts can call other scripts, so all statements need not be co-located in a single script. Capabilities include:

  • Uploading and downloading SQL Scripts
  • Running Scripts in the background
  • Viewing script result logs

Query Builder


The Query Builder enables you to build queries graphically by dropping tables and views into a panel. Joins can be defined by dragging and dropping corresponding column names. The query can be tested and then saved for later use. Capabilities include:

  • Dragging and dropping tables and views to be queried
  • Graphically joining tables
  • Running query and view results
  • Viewing SQL query syntax
  • Automatically discovering joins from the data dictionary

User Interface Defaults


To improve the productivity of application development, User Interface Defaults, a feature of SQL Workshop Utilities, supports the specification of friendly names and other attributes. This enables the create wizards to default the friendly name rather than the actual name (for example, specifying Employee Name for EMPNO). You can define labels, format masks, help text and other attributes.

Additional features include:

  • Synchronizing pages with User Interface Default managed labels and format masks
  • Managing User Interface Defaults by table and column or by attribute name
  • Populating User Interface Defaults from completed form or report pages



There are many other utilities in addition to User Interface Defaults. These include:

  • Data Workshop - Load and unload data in text, XML and spreadsheet formats
  • Object Reports - View reports of all objects accessible to your Workspace
  • Generate DDL - Create DDL for all or selected objects within your schemas
  • Recycle Bin - View and recover dropped objects
  • Schema Comparison - View the differences between two schemas accessible to your workspace
  • Database Monitor - Monitor the activity affecting your workspace such as sessions and Long Operations (these require a database administrator login)